Friday, June 17, 2011

Day in the Life of...

Yesterday's post felt really preachy, and I woke up thinking that I probably had offended someone that I didn't mean to offend. If that's you, please forgive me. I want to focus on "Love thy neighbor" versus "Give thy neighbor a guilt trip" or anything worse.

Today was waking up, scriptures, starting Preach My Gospel, then checking email, eating muffin for breakfast, and then trying to do more research on lines that are baffling the heck out of me. I'm trying to find people where I not only don't have that much info, but there are three potential, no maybe four different surnames per person in addition to three separate locations, and then there's another person to add to this mix and they're just... not budging. At least not the Mom. Wow. I have never had this much trouble where someone won't budge, and there's just NOTHING on them.

So showered, whatever, and got down to the library after a salad at L&T and started scanning. Scanning and looking everywhere for this woman and her son was maddening. At the end of it, my friend, MSA, starting messaging me about her day at the temple in Ohio and I basically decided to put off scanning the end results until tomorrow. While at the library, I met a girl around my age who was in town for a short time and wanted to know more about her family history. She took Dr. Sperry's Intro class, but wasn't able to find out too much. Within 20 second on Ancestry, I had one of the families that she was interested in finding up and emailed it off to her. That made me feel better. We have an appointment to meet up again tomorrow to further help out.

Got to knitting, and MO and D weren't there yet, but others were there. I showed up and we grabbed another big table, re-arranging furniture, and I had to stop and grab something from the cafe. A baby key lime pie had me set for the time there. SO good. I think that I'm just in the mood for key lime pie-style stuff right now. It's been a year (almost) since my grandpa's funeral, and when the family was down in Florida, we went for dinner on the Keys, and I bought a key lime candle and have been addicted to the citrus ever since. It smells amazing, and it's just... SO good! That, and recently I've been mildly obsessed with the cleaning powers of lemon juice, baking soda, and white vinegar. If I could buy stock in generic companies that make such products, I totally would. That, and learning the properties of Borax. And glycerin, salt, and baking soda as a toothpaste-like compound in addition to Ayuverdic treatments. Henna has been my hair's friend for six it gets red, but I'm growing it out to see what else I can do with it. But the more that I grow it out, my brown is actually getting lighter and I like it. So, it's kinda fun.

After that, did some very good knitting on my friend's fingerless gloves with mitten flaps and nearly started the second one. Also showed off my knee-length argyle socks that took a year to finish. Will post pics of all involved a little bit later. Dr. Who's end of this half of the season episode wasn't recorded (SAD DAY) and so I don't know the end yet, but the gals in my group are working on finding it. We'll see. I have no idea. It was online for all of maybe three days, and then now, just nothing. Reruns of previous episodes, and I've seen all of those. Aich. First doctor in this version, decent guy. Second doctor, David Tennant, Scottish=hot, at least in his case. He looks a little bit like my Dad, but my Dad when he was younger. Hey, I have good genes for physical appearance if I can just get smaller. But then, when he left, which everyone was like, Really? then came Matt Smith. He was completely not what was expected, but he has the energy, charisma, and general charm of David with his own flair- I mean, who else could say, "Bow ties are cool." and mean it and make you believe it? Yeah, he's that kind of guy. Just can't help but to like his character anyway,'s the Doctor and there's a reason why his companions always end up falling for him despite him being just a hair bit nuts. It's the Doctor. You just... can't resist him.

So anyway, got some good knitting in, and then I really wanted to show up for at least one of the Harry Potter movie nights that Ellis and co. hold weekly in anticipation of the Harry Potter final movie coming out next month. I feel sad that I won't be around for it, but I will be in Chicago, maybe dumb-founded, etc. But I really want to see this movie! Anyway, tonight was the 5th movie, where Cedric Diggory dies, and since the movie first came out when my Mom passed, it has pretty powerful memories attached and it always makes me cry when Harry gets back with Cedric's body, Fleur screams, and then Cedric's Dad just keeps saying, "My son, my son!" So sad. On a recent FB commenting thread conversation, my friend DB asked about whether or not a particular movie makes a difference in your life. It seems to be a general consensus that one movie doesn't make a difference, but multiple movies, or showings of the same movie do. At least, big sweeping life changes. One movie doesn't usually change your life, but lots of movies over time change society, so they definitely change things.

Afterwards, I was chilling with the people there, making small talk and attempting that thing, and then started talking with SD, very good friend and frequent confidante, and we ended up leaving and talking, and then walking around the neighborhood talking. Got up to a look-out point above the double chapels off Locust and this black car blasting heavy-duty bass came up behind us and drove past us. While originally we were considering walking through the parking lots to get back to the neighborhood, SD and I both had the feeling that the black car was dangerous and so we stopped, turned around and walked away pretty quickly. SD texted a friend, and he met us when we were back to her street. I don't wish to ever know what that guy in the car was thinking, but it was the antithesis of good.

When we got back to her house, I literally felt like there was this tense weight lifted and as if I'd re-entered marshmallow land. Never let anyone tell you that Provo is 100% safe all the time or that there isn't danger. Trust me; bad people are everywhere, and if good is casual or non-chalant about life, or just not listening, potentially horrible things can happen. Listen and live, perhaps. Got in my car, drove home, and ended up talking with a friend after her breaking up with a serious boyfriend, and another friend telling me about a different guy.

Honestly, I love that people are talking to me again. It's one thing that I've missed over the last few years here. I like being dependable, though not taken for granted, and I like being someone that others can talk to. Sure, I have problems. I'm open about them- at least I feel like I try to be open with them if asked, and then I try to make things better. For friends, I don't always make things better per se, but I'll be there for them. I do my best to listen and provide some sort of input if needed. Or none at all if the situation warrants it. Situations don't always warrant it, but I'm getting better at keeping my mouth shut during conversations. And I don't share things afterwards. I know that I'm not the most interesting person in the whole world. I have some friends, okay, most of my friends are infinitely more interesting than I am. They have struggles that are real and I don't know anyone yet who lives like a movie star or who has a situation-comedy or rom-com (romantic comedy) lifestyle. Life is messy, complicated, and great.

There are usually enough triumphs to balance out the woes, whether or not it takes years to get there (my case). The move to Chicago is affecting every part of my life. I haven't been this happy in years. It's like now that I'm getting back to the right path, or finally taking the step that God's wanted for a while, I can't help feeling like there's a sunshine-filled vista or beautiful grove of trees inside me. I feel like I have pep, but not fake pep. I am full of good cheer, and LOVING IT!

There's more that I could say, but I think that I will leave this on a good note.

Happiness be to you, and mazel tov! :)
The Genealogy Doctor

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