Sunday, June 19, 2011

Today's Day

Woke up this morning after having a crazy dream where the people that I care about (in this dream, temple workers and yarn shop people) were somehow locked inside a room of a house and a demon was killing them off. I couldn't do that much to help them, but I kept trying to figure out what was happening to them, and was unable to tell whether the indications for whether they were alive were for real or not. Started out trying to do one thing that would be effective but by the end of the dream, I was shaking at stuffed dolls. It was scary. The night before last, I dreamed that a particular interest didn't care and was avoiding me. While that dream may be true, the demons and such seems to be a reminder akin to Dr. Who. I woke up scared and tired, like I'd been battling all night. It was as if something was threatening and challenging me that the people that I cared about would ...I wouldn't be able to take care of them if I left for the next town.

More than a week ago, I dreamed that I was going cross-country to Chicago and my father and sister were riding with me. We passed by a winery, and although active LDS people don't drink wine, I see no reason to make fun of people who do that for their livelihoods. In the dream, my Dad and sister were unwisely making fun of these people. Although their house was far away and we were on the highway, one of them said, "We heard you" and I felt ashamed for what was said. Later we stopped by a house that looked similar to the winery, but was not it. The people seemed very nice, but too nice-- a little bit Stepford and plastic. While they were feeding us and etc., all of a sudden there were these tubes in my heels. I remember in the dream shutting my eyes and feeling down at my heels to see whether the tubes were really there, and I felt them! I got really scared and wanted out. The people who were seemingly nice definitely weren't, whereas the people who may  have been doing something that I personally would not necessarily approve of the results were the better people. I just wanted away from all of them, and kept heading towards Chicago. The next thing you know, I'm over Chicago, but the place looks like a lake or a bunch of islands all together and green on top, like Chicago had been flooded and the buildings that were tall enough to be above the water had turned into islands. Again, not too cool. I woke up thinking that something was trying to keep my from going to Chicago, and being more determined than ever TO go.

I'm still going. Honestly, it's the right thing to do, and whether I die on the way, I'm still going.

So after the first dream written above is when I woke up for my day. Woke up groggily and wished that I could go back to bed and get more sleep, but this is what happens when I stay up too late these days, I think.

So I got up, read scrips and Preach My Gospel, tried to get myself up and washed my chosen Sunday shirt quickly (it's a hand-wash shirt, and it means it), threw on that and a long black skirt along with my red "ruby" slippers and went out of the house feeling like a liberated hippie on my way to Ward Council. Ward Council happened, and then choir, and then a good Sacrament Meeting on service/obedience, and then a fun Sunday School lesson where I learned that the First Counselor's family is from South Africa in addition to other places, and then a good RS lesson. Picked back up my temple binders, and went home. I felt a little bit odd leaving my Dad a Happy Father's Day voice mail, but I figured that he would call me back if he wanted to. I do love my Dad, but he's not good at email, and I'm actually really horrible at phones. He won't "give" on this, and I just keep my phone around for texting and emergencies, so... we don't communicate frequently. I would like a better relationship with him, but things aren't easy.

So, made a salad and watched Just Like Heaven with my roommate. She's a doll, and it's a cute movie, so it was good. I even got in some knitting time! Afterwards, she began working on packing, which made me want to move my boxes and so I did. Front room was cleared out and then I started working on the dreaded closet, where I have kept who knows what stuff for the past three years. Got it half cleaned out, in addition to the central credenza. I think that there is a lot less stuff that I want than what I have, and I hope to get rid of or sell or somehow distribute items before I leave. It's really good that two of my roommates moved out more than a month ago so that my present roommate and I can use those rooms to have as places to stick stuff as e decide and pack. Makes life much easier.

I also applied to more jobs and figured out more schedule time as well. I have a card games night this week and am just hoping and praying that my Costco card isn't expired. I had enough before this weekend to get it renewed, and were the games night on Wednesday, it wouldn't be a problem. As it is, I'm not sure. may have to borrow another friend's card to get snacky-snacks for the evening.

Otherwise, it's been a good evening. My land lady is vacuuming at 12:20 AM, but really? Eh, congrats. Whatever floateth thy boateth. It's been a productive day. Not as lazy as Sunday tends to be for me. Just a good day.

Here's to Chicago!
Love from the Genealogy Doctor

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